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Legal Considerations in Fresno for Child Custody Arrangements Involving Relocation

What Happens if One Parent with Physical Child Custody Wants to Relocate?

In California, physical child custody is often called “parenting time.” California courts prefer, whenever possible, to order joint parenting time. That doesn’t necessarily mean the parents have a strict 50/50 division of time with the child, as that’s often not practical. But […]

Understanding Spousal Support Laws in Fresno

What Is Spousal Support?

A term commonly used for spousal support is “alimony.” It’s a payment one spouse makes to the other after they’re divorced to help the receiving spouse financially maintain a similar standard of living as they had during the marriage.

There are two types of spousal support in California.

  • Temporary. This is defined […]

Settlement Negotiations Failed? Here’s What to Do

So, you have submitted all your paperwork. You have had several conversations with the insurance adjuster, but things do not seem to be moving forward. What if things are moving forward, but not going the way you had hoped? If the settlement offer that you have received is insufficient, there are a couple of actions […]

The Most Dangerous Highways In California

Accidents and mishaps happen on interstates, highways, and residential streets across America. Several factors make this true. They include:

  • Traffic congestion
  • Construction
  • Diverse weather conditions
  • Distracted drivers
  • Drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Poor road conditions

While these are conditions that affect all of us, some highways are better than others. Our […]