Helping Victims of Domestic Violence in Fresno for More Than Twenty years

In California, domestic violence is considered a serious crime. Often, however, it’s a difficult crime to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, especially when the behavior – up to this point – consists only of threats, bullying, and intimidation. Nevertheless, if you or your children have been threatened with physical harm, or if you are the victims of family assault, sexual harassment, or assault, legal protection is available to you. The experienced Fresno sexual harassment attorneys of Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian will put the law to work for you. We’ve been helping the victims of domestic violence and abuse for more than twenty years.


In most domestic violence situations, there’s nothing wrong with calling the police if a crime has been committed. However, in many family assault incidents, no arrest will be made, or the abuser makes bail and is free again almost immediately. You need a more permanent solution. An attorney with Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian can help you with the next step; obtaining a restraining order. In California, to obtain a domestic violence restraining order, the person you want restrained must be:

  • a spouse or former spouse
  • the person you are living with
  • the other parent of your child
  • the person you are dating on a regular basis


Several other types of restraining orders are available from California courts; let us help you determine what legal action to take that’s in the best interests of yourself and your children, even if it comes down to child support and  child custody. The team at Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian want you to know that it may take some time to reach a final resolution to an ongoing domestic violence situation. Until that final solution is achieved, if you feel threatened or endangered at any time, do not hesitate to call the police.

Our attorneys keep flexible hours to meet your scheduling needs, and we return every client call promptly. We serve clients in Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kingsburg, and Hanford counties. Our staff speaks Spanish and French, so don’t let a language barrier keep you from obtaining the legal help you need. If you are a victim in a family assault situation, call the domestic violence lawyers of Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian today at 559-545-0383 or contact us online to schedule an initial consultation.